How to lead following the footsteps of Mandela

Today, the world stands in a silent tribute to Nelson Mandela who has remained one of the biggest and the most influential political icons of world history. His determination and extreme belief in his own principles has yielded unprecedented results in bringing forth reconciliation amidst the underprivileged races of South Africa. It was his relentless efforts that prevented the continent from sinking into the vicious seize of civil war. His demise is a loss not only to the political expanse of the planet but also to other spheres alike.

His exemplary life had many attributes which today’s youth can relate to and gain benefit from. The Peace Icon and Global Statesman was a person of distinctive integrity and remarkable vision blended with dynamic leadership qualities, which can be the source of inspiration to many of us. An in-depth study and realization of his work and achievements brings to surface several inherent fundamental and substantial traits that are imperative for varied modes of leadership and management.

1. Leading with an Example: The phenomenal leadership journey of Mandela can be perceived from this lifelong journey of leading thousands of people towards a common goal. His idea behind the rules of leadership was that, a true leader leads from behind while urging his followers to move forward, when there is a chance of celebration coming from a victory; but must move to the front to face the danger at the time of peril.

2. Leading with Precision: Another important attribute of leadership, according to him, was not long speeches, loud promises or strong resolutions promised to a mass of people; but to stick to the precise objectives that are in sync with the organization.

3. Leading after Failure: A person should not be judged based merely on his success stories, but by measuring how many times he has managed to rise up after a fall. A true leader will jump back on the same track with an improved attitude and intense determination to move forward on his journey.

4. Leading with Sacrifice: A real leader must be ready to give up various sets of indulgence, comfort or pleasure for the sake of his team. He must think one step ahead and should possess qualities to serve first before self-gratification.

5. Leading with a Difference: A leader is able to understand the feelings of others while formulating, implementing and incorporating possible solutions to annihilate problems from other people’s lives. He is more concerned about bringing meaningful differences into the lives of others, which in turn brings significant changes into his life automatically.

A few qualities come from nature whereas a few has to be nurtured. Nelson Mandela was the only member of his family who was sent to school. He had set his goals right in those turbulent testing times with a vision that was embraced by a vast Nation. Even after his departure, his values, principles and leadership qualities should inspire us for ages to come.

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