HP Police Constable Admit Card 2019 | Download at hppolice.gov.in
HP Police Admit Card – 2019 for constable posts has been released by the recruitment board of Himachal Pradesh Police through online on their official website www.hppolice.gov.in . This notification has been released for the PET Exam schedule or date and admit card for constable posts with male, female and driver category. Admit card is a compulsive document for Himachal Pradesh
Constable examination 2019. Candidate must carry their admit card to the exam hall without any fail. If you have applied for the HP Police Constable Exam- 2019, you can download your PET Exam Schedule and admit card through the official website of HP Police as mentioned above.
Candidates selection will be through written test, personality test and medical examination. HP Police has invited applications for the recruitment of male constables, female constable, constable (Driver) for various districts of Himachal Pradesh such as Bilaspur, Mandi, Chamba, Kullu, Shimla etc. Total vacancies for this recruitment process are 1063.
Out of which 720 are for Male Constable, 213 for Women Constable and remaining 130 are for Driver Constable Posts. Candidates should report to the test venue as per the district wise schedule mentioned in the official website. For more update, stay tuned to www.pagalguy.com