IIT Delhi based Start-up launches DIY Artificial Intelligence kits for School Students; A great Step for Future
An IIT – Delhi Start Up has bring the innovation of DIY which is Do -IT – Yourself educational kits which will help the school students to learn the basics of artificial Intelligence (AI). It will assistant students with technicalities as the KIT includes technical novelties like AI Computing-engine, real-world AI actuation circuit boards and friendly AI training or inference applications.
As per the officials at IIT Delhi, a student in the field of Artificial Intelligence should have the rigorous background and training in the topics such as advanced mathematics, computer-programming and data-science.
According to the words of Manan Suri, who is professor at IIT – Delhi, “Like any developing technology, there exists a gap between the ability, the hype, the competence and practical reality of AI. What makes this gap wide is the lack of possessions to easily develop an intuitive insight on topics such as AI at an early stage. The enthusiasm behind BUDDHI Kit is to help young school students learn the practical aspects of a complex topic like AI in a friendly and simple manner”.
The official site for more updates on this news is http://www.iitd.ac.in/content/startupiitd .
He also added that BUDDHI which is Build Understand Design Deploy Human Like Intelligence Kit is the first-of-its-kind highly collaborating and easy to use DIY educational Kit that can be used to quickly learn the fundamentals of AI and build AI based solutions for real-world problems without any prior domain knowledge or training.
The kit has been developed by CYRAN AI Solutions and launched by IIT – Delhi Director V Ram Gopal Rao on Monday. As per the words of Rao, IIT- Delhi is taking centre stage in AI-related research and growth in the country. Expansion in indigenised AI hardware and software is critical.
The kit is escorted with a rich learning ecosystem which comprises a high- quality AI handbook, Practical DIY projects, exercises, lessons and much more.
Also read, IIT Delhi Recruitment 2020.