Its never a failure always a learning

Finally the CAT conundrum is over, Conundrum because it kept me bemused and confused during my preparation days. Well writing my score here wont help or solve any purpose but I want to share the story of losing a battle, a story of wounded and hurt soldier and lastly the story of my life – The Aftermath of CAT exam and self realization.

It had been few months now since the declaration of CAT result and equal number of days since I got introduced to insomnia. More than not performing well in the exam was the pain of a lost opportunity, Nights became long and dreams sullen. Life was a bit nightmarish, I would go out in my garden at nights and would gaze at stars for long looking for my identity in them.

The brightest of those stars were people who graduated from the IIT’s . They were so bright that they illuminated even the dull stars in their constellation. Then there were some less brighter stars whom i identified as graduates from ordinary colleges, these stars gre brighter with every night , every day while other stars rested they worked hard to ensure that even they made their visibility felt among the brightest stars. They embraced the cloudy nights (Hardships) and ensured there were never faliures and only learnings even in time of despair.

There were many stars in my field of view but one star particularly caught my attention. This was a star in the corner, distanced from the average glowing stars, alone straddled and ascetic. This star had a very dim light, it would flicker for a second and then again be lost in the gloom and darkness of night. It raised my hopes every time it flickered but they just thrashed when it lost it light. I observed for several hours and learnt something which turned out to be the biggest character building moment of my life.

“No matter how many time the star failed to produce lasting light what distinguished him was his perseverance which motivated him to try, no matter how bright other stars in its neighbourhood were, it still tried to make its own name, its own identity and no matter how much it lost their was always a hope to be the brightest star one day. That star was me, and the light was success in career .

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