JEE Main 2015 answer key released by CBSE
Dear Readers,
The CBSE has activated the link for challenging the answer
keys for JEE Main 2015 tests. The link became active a short while ago. Candidates
can login on the CBSE JEE Main 2015 website using their application number and password.
The link for the login is:
If you have any doubts, queries, concerns, etc., you can get
expert advice by posting your questions on the following link:
A screen shot of the login screen is attached here:
Do note that the JEE Main 2015 offline Paper I was held on 4th April, 2015. Nearly 11 lakh candidates had appeared for this paper. Another 1.86 lakh aspirants had appeared for the online JEE Main Paper I on 10th and 11th April. Overall, nearly 13 lakh applicants had registered for JEE Main 2015.
Candidates can check the PaGaLGuY answer key, cutoff projection and All India Rank predictor at the following links:
Cutoff and Rank Predictor:
Answer Key:
To check college-wise cutoffs for final selections to NITs and IIITs, go to:
And, as always, we at PaGaLGuY are here to help you. If you have any doubts, queries, concerns, etc., you can get expert advice by posting your questions on the following link:
All the Best!