JoSAA 2016: No vacancy in Goa, 96 seats vacant at other IITs

73 seats in Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)
and 23 seats in Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad (ISM soon to IIT Dhanbad) have
been declared vacant by Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA).

A total of 10,572 seats were up for grabs in 23 IITs (including
ISM) this year. Out of these, 10,476 seats have been filled after six rounds of
seat allocation were conducted. In 2015, four rounds of seat allocation
were conducted which lead to 341 seats remaining vacant.

For 2016, IIT Kharagpur offered the maximum number of seats
at 1341, with only 7 seats remaining unclaimed. The maximum number of vacant
seats among all IITs is 38 at IIT-BHU.

 Four new IITs – Goa,
Jammu, Dharwad and Bhilai admitted their first batch of students this year. While
IIT Goa and IIT Jammu offered 90 seats each, IIT Dharwad and IIT Bhilai had 120
each. Out of these four, IIT Goa has reported zero vacancy. Other IITs which
reported zero vacancies includes- Kanpur, Mandi and Hyderabad.

The percentage of vacant seats reported at IITs in 2016 is
0.76% and at ISM is 2.52%.

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