Lower cut-off in XAT intentional – for better diversity

Post the XAT results on January 25, 2016, cut-offs are the big discussion points. Pleasantly so, the cut-off  at XLRI this year, is a wee bit lower  this year when compared to  previous years.  In fact, it is less by a percentile point. When asked,  a senior XLRI official said that the cut-off  has been lowered on purpose and  to give the institute  better visibility. Lower cut-offs will mean including a bigger group of aspirants – some of who would have missed the boat by a single percentile point. 

The other reason the cut-offs were lowered was also  because Sectional scores were not as balanced, said an official from XLRI.

But does a lower cut-off mean that corrections were more lenient this year? The answer to this was a firm NO.  “Our correction was the  same. There is no question of it being lenient or otherwise. As except essay, XAT is an objective examination.”

The move to lower cut-off and increase diversity was done with the sole aim of netting a candidate who grows and works with and in his environment. The requirements for a perfect XLRI candidate remains the same as in  previous years.  “ We are looking for a person who is willing to learn and be sensitive to his surrounding, who can create a good future for everyone through his  organizations. One who looks at career beyond self-aggrandizement.” 

XLRI continues to focus on its long-established sine qua non – to nurture a person who thinks for society as a whole by being part of a smaller group. 

When asked about the XAT results process, which came under fire some years ago, XLRI officials said that the institute has possibly the most transparent ones in the country. “If there is a mistake, we will accept it,” said an XLRI official. That, even we at PaGaLGuY accept. 

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