My next movie is titled porno
DANNY BOYLE : I watched ” slum-dog millionaire ” recently and i was quite taken aback by the way he showed India , as a movie buff though i liked his treatment and i was like ” you had my curiosity , now you have my attention” #django unchained . So i went on watching all his movies and his best works have been shadowed by huge films . His movie TRANCE has an inspiration from INCEPTION , but the treatment danny gave was impeccable he almost created the same effect of INCEPTION with a much less convoy , he made this in the gap he had before dircting the OLYMPICS . I went on watching his other movies TRAINSPOTTING , SHALLOW GRAVE – two classics you don’t want to miss . He had his debacles like A LIFE LESS ORDINARY but his raw treatment to any subject will leave you awestruck . One movie of DANNY which takes a special mention is MILLIONS , dont go by the ratings given in IMDB , this is a movie where you end up with a lot of thinking to do . If you are an aspiring movie maker you should be looking at DANNY BOYLE and not NOLAN , not everyone gets the platform NOLAN gets – DANNY on the other hand makes his impact with almost nothing in his hand . He reminds you of our own ram gopal varma ( only the useful , sensible side of ram gopal varma ) . Danny boyle is the most un coventional director you will come across even at the level of hollywood , i mean his next movie is titled “PORNO” – enough said i suppose.
finally one danny boyle qoute to leave you intrested in him
” I’ve sort of escaped my background , as people often do , through art and culture ”