Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for Banking entrance exams

Dear readers,

This quiz consists of questions from
various Banking entrance exams held during the last few years. Leave your
answers/ responses in the comments section below and we’ll soon let you know
the correct answers!

Directions (Q 1-5) What wil come in
place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?

1. 22.5 * 0.05 = ?

11.25            (2) 1.125           (3) 22.55             (4) 112.5              (5) None of these

999 + 111 * 0.5 = ?

555            (2) 500              (3) 1054.5           (4) 1110.5              (5) None of these

3. 40% of 250 = 50% of ?

200            (2) 100             (3) 150              (4) 400               (5) None of these

[(4)^?] =1024

1                (2) 2                 (3) 3                (4) 4                 (5) None of these

5. (1/2) + (1/4) + (3/4) + (2/3) =

2 (1/5)           (2) 1/16               (3) 2 (1/16)           (4) 2 (1/6)           (5) None of these

Directions (Q. 6-10) What
approximate value should come in place of the question mark(?)  in the following questions ? (You are not
expected to calculate the exact value.)

6. (98 * 198) / (48 * 148) = ?

3.13        (2) 2.43         (3) 2.73          (4) 3.53          (5) 2.41

7. (2.0001)^3 = ?

6               (2) 6.75          (3) 5           (4) 4           (5) 8

8. 5.6 % of 240 / 0.3 %  of 480 = ?

8.43              (2) 9.33         (3) 7.53           (4) 8.33           (5) 13.44

9. √4556 + √7943 – 56 = ?

100            (2) 150         (3) 200           (4) 250          (5) 125

10. (1786 + 23.894 + 3251) / 50 = ?

81            (2) 121         (3) 131          (4) 101        (5) 91

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1(2)        2(3)    
    3(1)        4(5)             5(4)         6(3)         7(5)      
8(2)         9(1)        10(4)

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