Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan, Mizoram: Recruitment 2018

RUSA Project Directorate Unit, Mizoram Recruitment Notification 2018

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) is inviting applications for the post of Consultant at the State Project Management Unit, Mizoram. The eligible candidates can apply to the post through the prescribed format on or before 27 Aug 2018. The engagement shall be purely for a limited period of one year on a fixed monthly renumeration.

To view detailed advertisement, click on the given link RUSA State Project Directorate Advertisement

RUSA Recruitment Important Dates

Event Date
Advertisement Release 8th August 2018
Applications Closing Date 27th August 2018

RUSA Recruitment (Mizoram Project Directorate Unit) Vacancy Details


of Post

No. of Posts




3 to 5 posts


M.A (Economics)/

B.Tech (Computer)/

B.E (Civil Engineering)/

B.Tech (Civil Engineering) Or

M.Ed from a recognized University or Institution

I) Adequate Knowledge  of Computer
II) Adequate Knowledge in emerging trend of Higher  Education

I) Strong analytical skills with ability to compile and analyze data base.
II)Good Presentation skill and report writing.
III)Experience of working in Education  Sector or Project Management.

Honorarium provided
Rs. 25,000/- per month

How to apply for RUSA 
(Mizoram Project Directorate Unit) Posts 2018

I] Submission  of Application  form:

  1. Application in plain paper along with Bio-data/ C/V of the candidate (containing E-Mail I.D and Contact Number) should be submitted to State Project Directorate , ROSA, Mizoram, Directorate of Higher & Technical Education Building, Basement II,  Mc  Donald  Hill, Zarkawt, Aizawl, Mizoram- 796007.
  2. The last date for receipt of application is  27.08.2018

II] Interview:
Date of interview  with required detail information  shall be notified  to candidates  in due course of time


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