RBI Grade B Phase 1 Admit Card 2019 Released at rbi.org.in, Steps How to Download Hall Ticket
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued the admit card for online examination Phase 1 for the post of Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR) – GENERAL/DEPR/DSIM – 2019. Those Candidates who have fortunately applied for the post shall download their individual admit cards from the RBI Official website i.e. rbi.org.in. The RBI Grade B exam will be carried on 09 November 2019.
Paper Pattern
RBI Officer Exam shall have objective type questions on
- General Awareness,
- English Language,
- Quantitative Aptitude and
- Reasoning
The paper 1 will be of 200 marks and 120 minutes will be provided for answering. Nevertheless, separate time will be assigned for each test. The Candidates can verify the RBI Grade B Syllabus & Exam pattern on official notification.
The candidates have to bring their original photo identity proof and submit a photocopy of the photo identity proof simultaneously with Admission Letter/ Examination Call Letter while serving each shift of the examination without which they will not be permitted to take up the examination.
Steps to Download
- Search the official site of RBI at rbi.org.in.
- Next step would be click on the “Opportunities@RBI” category, given at the foot of the main page.
- Tap on the call letter option from the current vacancies’ dropdown tab.
- Select the admission link.
- Once a new page will open where you needed entering your login credentials that include language, registration number or roll number, password and captcha code.
- Then download your RBI Officer call letter and take a print out for further use.
Also, all other information related to the RBI Grade B exam will be accessible on the admit card.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for RBI Grade B – Preparation and Discussion and RBI Grade B Notification | Admit Card, Syllabus, Eligibility
Only those candidates, who will pass in the RBI Officer Phase 1 exam, will be called for RBI Officer Phase 2 online exam which will be carried on 01 December 2019.
And the shortlisted candidates will go for the interview, based on the aggregate of marks secured in Phase II (Paper-I +Paper-II +Paper-III).
RBI Grade B selection will be completed then a merit list which will be made by summing marks secured by candidates in Phase-II examination and interview respectively.