SBI Associate PO Online Exam Result Out -2014-15

Dear candidates,

SBI has declared the result of Online exam of SBI Associates PO, exam was held in November 2014.

Please click on the following link to view your result:…

Note: Phase – II (i.e. Group Discussion and Interview)

commence from 16-02-2015. Candidates shortlisted are being advised by way of
SMS and e-mail seperately. Candidates are advised to visit Bank’s website or to download Call-Letter for
GD-cum-Interview and Bio-Data Form from 05-02-2015 onwards

There are 5 Associate Banks of SBI: 

1. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur                

2. State Bank of Hyderabad            

3. State Bank of Mysore   

4. State Bank of Patiala    

5.State Bank of Travancore

Congratulations to all the selected candidates !

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