The Dude Does Abide Principle
Here i am surfing the net at 2.00 am in the morning and it catches my attention , a post on FB for the second time in the last one month or so “E-Squared :Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality” that says that its a good read and a new world wide hit for Spiritual readers. Having an inclination on the subject of” Thoughts and Reality” the craving for owning a copy intensified exponentially.I re-read the reviews ,searched for online buying, found out that the price is way higher than what i had expected.While my mind played havoc on the dilemma of whether to buy it now or wait for some more time , i clicked on a link where it gave a glimpse of a few pages of the book. Actually its a brief view of the 9 experiments that prove the theory that” Thoughts create reality”
I read the first one where it says “You’re going to demand a clear , unmistakable sign, something that cannot be written off as coincidence.” Its an ultimatum to the basic principle on which the whole book is based.Basically what it says is, “There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities. ” The experiment could best be described as an ultimatum. You’re going to give the force exactly 48 hours to make its presence known.
So i say to myself “I will give it a shot and if it works i will order a copy otherwise i will just wait for it when it hits the local market”. What i demanded was quite impossible and stupid at the same time but how could you actually believe in a system if it cant deliver what it supposedly promises to deliver. I demanded “A free e-book version of the book itself” and that too within 2 hours.As the book has just been released , hoping to find a free e-version is just next to impossible.
I began my search and kept on surfing for more than 1.5 hours (,bay torrent, and just when i was about to give up hope, VOILA the magic link appeared . I downloaded it and verified that Its a true copy(pdf) and its totally free.So the first experiment does work. In case you are wondering about the topic of this article well the first experiment/chapter of the book is “The Dude Abides Principle”.