The truth about IFIM Business School
IFIM Business School was originally incorporated as Institute of Finance and International Management by the promoters of the Dalal Street Investment Journal (DSIJ) in the year 1995. The Indian economy has just been liberalized and the financial services sector was transforming at a rapid pace during these years. Mr V B Padode the founder of the DSIJ Group envisioned the need for qualified manpower to support the growth of the sector and this vision led to the birth of the business school.
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In the year 2010 IFIM Business School re-engineered itself to align with a new mission of “nurturing holistic socially responsible and continuously employable resources”. This mission drove the faculty to develop an industry relevant curriculum to create business ready managers. The pedagogy was transformed from just classroom, case method teaching to ‘learn by doing’ in laboratories and through internships. A 4.5 months internship program was included into the curriculum and this change was recently awarded as the best ‘Effective Industry-Institute Engagement’. ‘Personality Enhancement Program’ (PEP) courses were introduced in the curriculum to enhance soft skills, life skills and to educate our students to practice a healthy lifestyle. A laboratory for learning data analytics was established in collaboration with IBM and a second laboratory that replicates a live dealing room has been established in collaboration with Prabhudas Liladher.
To assure learning and deliver on the mission of continuous employability Center for Continuous Employability (CCE) under the leadership of a senior executive was set up for building strong relationships with the corporate world and to facilitate internships, projects and placements. The CCE through its relationship with corporate feeds the faculty with the requirement of the real world to keep our curriculum current.
Our alumni have done us proud and some of them have been able to attain leadership positions in large corporations. Our institution has always valued transparency and has endeavored to display all information accurately on its websites and collaterals. The institution has always been ranked amongst the top 75 schools of the country and in the recent rankings we can proudly state that we have moved up to being amongst the top 50.
We are proud of our good quality faculty, a fair and open environment, great ambience for learning and a strong commitment to assist our students build great careers and achieve their aspirations.
Note: This is a sponsored article and has NOT been written by the PaGaLGuY Editorial Team. It is intended from an informational perspective only and it is upto the readers to research and verify the claims and judgements in the article before reaching a conclusion.