What CAT was like …


In the fear of being attacked and annexed, the king wanted to increase the size of his army. On being asked to raise the forces, it became imperative for the Minister to recruit more soldiers. He asked the General to hire-in more people for the army and take utter care that the process was just. The news was promulgated that men and women with skills would be required to tak

e up random duels with soldiers from the army. Their performances would help them make a place in the army. The vice general said, ” Sir, random duels may not serve our purpose. What if weak people happen to confront the best of our soldiers ? “. The General replied, “Don’t worry. Let fate decide. That ways, we can call ourselves just.” [RANDOM DIFFICULTY LEVELS OF DIFFERENT SETS] . He added, “Bring in the potters, the smiths, more women, the chefs. And make sure that they are recruited in numbers, even if they find it difficult to fare well. No community should feel marooned. You know, we will have to be just.”. [IRRELEVANT RESERVATIONS] The vice general, unwillingly, did everything as per the orders. The General felt that he could make smarter choices by filling in more criteria. He therefore called for the vice general and spoke thoughtfully, “Listen, make sure that rich people are given higher preference. The economically well-off must be having good food which implicitly speaks of their good health and strength. And people with good strength shall always make good soldiers.”. [INTRICATE CRITERIA FOR IIMs] Confused, the latter said, “But sir, strength comes out of will and courage. It entails lot more than just food !”. The General glowered and so everything had to be followed as per the orders. The army ended up being a lovely community. However, in the battle, they were vanquished. And that was because inspite of being a large army, they had very few ‘soldiers’ .

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