What LinkedIn says about the career progression of the top 10 Indian b-schools’ alumni

So here’s what we did last week. Using the LinkedIn.com alumni groups of the top 10 b-schools in the PaGaLGuY B-school Rankings 2013, we tried to capture how the graduates of these b-schools are doing in their careers. Combining the statistical snapshots of the prominent alumni groups of these b-schools, we got a sense of the cities in which the alumni are settled (Mumbai and New Delhi, of course), what industries they work in and what level of seniority they are at.

Most schools had multiple LinkedIn alumni groups with more or less the same statistics, so we simply used the largest and the most active alumni group of each school to visualise the broad trends below.

Yes, we know what you’re thinking, how meaningful LinkedIn group stats are at all.

We are working with the assumption that if not perfectly accurate, they at least tell the broad story to make for talking points. Having said that disclaimer, we welcome those with better information to refine the trends in the comments.

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