XLRI hosts IAJBS’ fifteenth world forum

“The b-schools could engage in meaningful research, in collaboration with business and industry, to find innovative solutions that address the sustainability challenges of economies like ours. The fruits of this research would not only help corporate recipients but also be valuable inputs for Government policy, including that for multilateral negotiations,” the release quoted Mr. Y.C. Deveshwar, Chairman and CEO, ITC Ltd as saying in the keynote address.

Talks on promoting social ventures to direct sustainable growth were cited. The forum also discussed how social entrepreneurship could work to alleviate poverty and deal with environmental issues, added the release.

Professors J Hollwitz and J Stoner of Fordham University, USA who carried out a survey of the audience on how b-schools can help in improving sustainability and the need for upgrading their syllabi with changing times, spoke on Jesuit b-schools commitment to global sustainability, their priorities, wish lists and dreams.

IAJBS become signatory of UN Global Compactas Principles for Responsible Management Education, and develop systems, processes and mechanisms for adherence to those. The host school, XLRI, is the first Indian B-School to commit and endorse the six principles (namely, Purpose, Values, Method, Research, Partnership and Dialog) at the UN Global Compact Leaders summit in July 2007. It recommended member institutes to signs these principles, added the release.

Dr. Gregory Ulferts, Executive Director, IAJBS announced to form a sustainability development committee which would ensure that Jesuit B-schools globally adhere to the concepts discussed at the forum. Fr. E. Abraham, S.J. Director XLRI, also proposed for setting up membership committee to increase the numbers of regional members globally, added the release.

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