You are a debater… Debate this!

WAT- Distance equals disaffection.

Wrote about both schools of thought- Absence makes the heart grow fonder and out of sight, out of mind. One friend got “Not everyone has the same fun under the sun.”

I was the second one to be interviewed. The girl who was interviewed before me literally stumbled out of the interview room. I personally thought she looked like an Alice who had been booted out of wonderland. 

I greeted the panel and handed them my file. They asked me to sit.

P1- You say your weakness is that you are too frank. What’s that all about?

Talked about how sometimes being diplomatic helps and that I haven’t yet honed that skill. (Even if by some miracle of God, I had missed saying this, they would have known so by the end of the interview.)

P2– (He’s definitely taken exception to the word diplomatic. I am cringing at my own foolishness.) Isn’t speaking your mind a good thing?

I say that is can be when one considers the circumstances. However, if the given frankness hurts the sentiments of others without doing anything for their benefit, one should keep shut. In matters of ethics, one shouldn’t show such hesitation and definitely speak up.

P1- Okay, what do you think of new IIMs? Be undiplomatic.

Everyone laughs.

Gave the most undiplomatic answer known to mankind considering that IIMS is relatively new itself.Talked about how it is a bad move. Skimmed over the though of brand dilution and how we should abuse and use the IIM brand only after appropriately arming the new IIMs with good faculty and infrastructure. 

P2– You talked about education. What is primary, secondary, and tertiary education?

Me– Told.

P2- What can be done to improve the education system? 

Me We should move on from ‘right to education’ to ‘giving the right education.’ Talked about student-teacher ratio and educational content. Quoted some stats for good measure. Brought in a thought experiment as well.

P2- You studied international business. Tell me the difference between World Bank and IMF.

Me– Mixed up both their definitions. But said it with such cheerful aplomb that even the interviewer got confused! 

P1- Okay, what news have you been reading?

Me– Devaluation of Yuan, Falling Oil Prices, Rohit Vemula’s unfortunate death.

P2- Do you think he was a Dalit?

Me- Sir, according to SC’s ruling, if a person identifies with the caste of his mother, and bears the brunt of such a caste, and faces all the obstacles of the said caste, s/he can be called a Dalit. Based on this, he is a Dalit. In his suicide note he even talks about the fatality of his birth.

By this time, P1 has lost interest and is grading the WAT of the candidates. I am slightly hurt by his inconsideration but I guess he has a long day ahead of him.

P2- Given the balance sheet of two companies, how will you ascertain which is better positioned?

Me– I would look at the accounting ratios. 

P2– If I give the same information to some other person, what would he say? Would your views differ?

Me– Sir, it would depend on what we seek from this perusal. If I am looking for investment-

P2– You both are looking at the ratios.

Me– Sir, then since the formulas for the ratios are fixed, we will not differ in our calculations. For example-

Again interrupted by P2- State three problems that Delhi faces.

Me- Collapsing under the weight of its infrastructure. Improper drainage system. People’s apathy and littering. Also, pollution.

P2- Isn’t that what every urban city faces? Anything specific to Delhi?

Me– MCD problem of fund allocation, I guess. I am unsure of what that is though.

P2– What’s an emerging market economy?

Me– Told.(At this point I do wonder how one can make eye contact with a panelist who has his eyes downcast!)

P2– Is China a developed economy?

Me– It isn’t.

P2– Why?

Me Sir, it is a developing economy. The per-capita income is still low.

P2– That’s low is the US too. Is US also not developed? 

Me– (Thinking whether US’s per-capita income really is low?) Sir, it definitely is. However, China is too dependent on manufacturing.

P2- Service sector contributes 70% to India’s GDP. So, are we developed? You are a debater. Debate this.

I knew he was running around in circles and trying to put words in my mouth.

Me– Sir, the thing is, for a country to be truly developed, it shouldn’t depend on just one sector. All of its sectors should healthily contribute towards development.

P2- What are your hobbies?


P2 (Who else :P) Okay. Thanks. Take a candy. Shut the door after yourself.

Me– Thanks.

I forget to shut the door. P2 is already halfway out of his seat and looks pissed off when I remember to run back and shut the door.

So, that was it. Hope it helps someone. Good luck!

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