[2020-2022] IIM Shillong Admission Queries

Hello. How long does the process last? By what time will it be over for morning slot?

Has anyone received interview date in April for Mumbai?

Is there any Sop that we have to write and submir?

During the application, how did you guys fill the part asking about strength and weakness? I just mentioned them with commas. Didn't write any paragraphs or anything. How did yall do it?

Hello team, After filling my Profile form and getting a print out, I realised that the month and year of graduation aren't present. Though I mentioned that I m yet to appear for my final year exams, but am sceptical about what to do next. Also, I mailed the admissions office twice but no reply. Someone please help me with a way out. TIA

when  final waitlist will come

Has anyone received their Mumbai interview date as 12th April?

I have my interview scheduled on 22nd April, 2019. I also have my college final exam on the same day. I mailed them to reschedule my interview date and they asked for proof and said they won't be able to change the date. I have mailed them the proof but I have not received any reply or solution. Could you please help me with this as soon as possible

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My interview is scheduled on 27th april. I also have my final exam on the same date. I mailed IIM Shillong but didn't get any response till now. What should I do?

Does IIM Shillong send buffer calls for final selection?

@IIM_Shillong I could bot fund the fee details on the website. Kindly share the details for 2019-21 PGP batch.

Can someone please let me know by when the afternoon session finishes ?

I have my interview on april 26. Will it be postponed due to elections?

IIM Shillong is proud to announce that PGP participant Arumuga Vinayagam from the class of 2020 has won the prestigious YES BANK Future Ready Scholarship and also featured on the list of top 30 scholars across the country.

Dear Candidates, 

All those still facing an issue of date clashe and have not been able to reach the admissions office, please drop us a  message with your details. We will try to look into it as soon as possible. 


PR Cell

CAT - 97.91 (87/97/98) 10th - 81 12th - 85 Graduation BSc - 59 GDPI - average Graduation completed in 2017 No work ex GEN MALE

  • WL + reject
  • Reject
  • Convert
  • WL+ convert

0 voters


Hey Guys,   

What are my chances of convert?   

Overall - 90.55 

VARC - 94.92 DILR - 88.21 

QA - 72.37  

Grad (Btech Mechanical) - 76.8 

12th - 67.8 

10th - 85  Workex till now - 13 months.  

Category - SC (Male)  

WAT - 3/5 

PI - 3/5 

  • Reject
  • Convert
  • Waitlist and Convert
  • Waitlist and Reject

0 voters

What is the weightage given to CD and PI at IIM Shillong?