Now that registration for June 2014 Level 2 has started, it is a good time to plan for and start studies keeping a target date in mind.It may be a bit early, but it is always good to start early and be prepared.Starting this thread for discuss…
Now that registration for June 2014 Level 2 has started, it is a good time to plan for and start studies keeping a target date in mind.
It may be a bit early, but it is always good to start early and be prepared.
Starting this thread for discussion on CFA level 2 exam to be held in June 2014.
Good luck to all. Plan ahead and prepare strong !
@raghav507 : please make this thread sticky 😃
Good to see enthu
Advice to all CFA L2 aspirants - start early and pay lot of attention to studying from the CFAI curriculum.
Build your basics and you will not go wrong.
can anyone post about the weightage for different subjects at Level 2?
Can anyone provide link for schweser online material for CFA level 2 exam...
is there any changes in 2013 and 2014 course for level 2?
LoS Changes 2013-2014 changes for L2
Anyone having the link to level 2 schweser 2013 notes... pls share.. 😃
is anyone having arifirfanullah videos.....of L2
Hi Mates.. Any strategy for L-2... Pls share
Is there anyone from Mumbai, Central Suburb or town? How about classes for Level 2? Last time for Level 1 I joined Finstructor but did not find value for money. This depreciation of Rupee made exam more expensive. More ever classes are charging around 22K for level 2 :( Are Schwaser notes & videos available for Level 2 Jun14? For level 1 I found those videos better than classes.
I am planning to buy a ebook reading device instead of the printed curriculum, my choices are between Kindle fire HD 7 and nexus 7 old version. Can you suggest me which of them would be better?
Hello, anybody has contact number of laxmi xerox or any other person who sells schweser notes ?
Please share the download link for free videos from elan guides and 7city.....
After having cleared it and by seeing course of L3, I definitely believe that L2 is toughest of the lot.
Is it necessary to revise L1 first before starting with L2?? coz i see very few topics in L1 which have a continuation in L2...pls advise..
Desperately searching for a download link to 2014 Schweser Notes & Videos for L2. Pls share if anybody has one. (I got link for 2013 but want 2014). PDF version of 2014 Curriculum books can be downloaded from here...;=3727177009
I downloaded PDF and got printouts. (1Rs for back-to-back page, total cost me 500-600, I printed 2 pages on single page and four back-to-back)
can any one share Elan guides Videos link for CFA level 2 please.
Hey guys! Where can I download schweser study notes 2014 for l2?? Any links or contacts who provide these materials???
Thanks in advance!!
Difference in syllabus between June 2013 and june 2014 syllabus (esp with respect to cfa L2 scheweser notes)...........