The exam for IBPS CWE SPL - V for the post of Specialist Officer will be held in January, 2016 More information will be available on the IBPS website
how is your preperation IT officer Exam
Could you please let me know some topics... which will help to clear the professional knowledge section.. IT officer..
Does anybody have sbi so exam at kolhapur?
I have a doubt regarding SBI S.O systems examination... As specified in the notification that quant, reasoning, english will not be considerd for shortlisting the candidates but they are qualiyng in nature, so there will be individual cutoff for english, reasoning, quant only or will there be combined cutoff score as well.
Anyone know for so marketing professional knowledge
does anybody has exam in ahmadnagar-maharashtra
hey friends. am preparing for law officer. can anybody tell me what will be the expected cut off for this year? and how much questions should one attempt?
Thanks 😃
Hey many of you are going to give ibps law officer 2016
which mocktest shoud we prefer??
hello guys, any update on SO Marketing???
is it sufficient to only prepare for PK???