@MayankM2211 Can you share the last years WL movements for HRM course?
IIM Ranchi General WL 1097
Chances of conversion?
- Low
- High
- 50-50
0 voters
IIM Ranchi PGP waitlist (General)- 737.
Any chances of converting?
Also I have conerted IIM Shillong. So which one should I choose between these two (if I convert IIM Ranchi) ?
PGP-HRM OBC Merit Rank 70.
Chances of Conversion?
- Poll Check
- Low
- High
0 voters
What is the intake for MBA and MBA-Analytics respectively for batch 2021-23?
How good is IIM Ranchi MBA HRM?
Being a fresher, Is it recommended to join or join a baby IIM (IIM nagpur,IIM Amritsar,IIM Bodhgaya,IIM Vizag) in general PGDM?
- IIM Ranchi MBA HRM
- GO for baby IIM’s general MBA
- poll check
0 voters
when will the next waitlist be released?
I'm not able to login to the given website to submit my response. What to do? I've sent mail to the technical team.
NC-OBC waitlist 527
what are the chances?
- No chance
- Sure convert
- good chance
- may or may not
0 voters
Where do I get my waitlist number on the dashboard? I can only see the status as waitlisted
waitlisted at 186 (obc cateogory) IIM ranchi hrm programme , any chance of conversion.
- convert
- 50-50
- No chance
0 voters
obc wl 503 in pgp...any chance of conversion
- poll check
- no chance
- 50 50
- sure shot
0 voters
nc obc WL 92, pgp chances of conversion?
WL- 188 EWS
- No chance
- Convert
- Bleak Chance
0 voters
IIM Ranchi Waitlist 720 Female Engineer
- 50-50
- High Chance
- Low Chance
0 voters
Hello All,
All the mails have been rolled for MBA, MBA-HR and MBA-BA to the students who have converted the call as well as to the students who are waitlisted.
The students who have converted the call, please fill the google form attached if not done already - https://forms.gle/hCXNkNgzuJJ9LRyh6
** NOTE : The form is not for WAITLISTED Candidates. Only those with ADMISSION OFFERS are required to fill the form.
If you still haven’t received the mail, please contact:
Shaloo - +91-9540561965
Mayank - +91-7077100703
Prachi - +91-9304046449
Priya - +91-7223008740
How long does it take to get the final merit list?
Please Fill the Google Form To have a clear picture about your waitlist movement
Also, it'll be useful for next Batch students
IIM RANCHI MBA-HRM 2021-2023 Waitlist Movement
- Filled
- Not Interested
Wait list at 20 St category.... Chances Hai please reply
Waitlist MBA- 4348
Waitlist MBA Buisness Analytics -3111
Chances to convert??