Which one is better among both of them for marketing placements and why?
- IIM Udaipur
- IIM Raipur
0 voters
Which one is better among both of them for marketing placements and why?
0 voters
What is the last date to withdraw and apply for refund if we choose not to take admission?
IIM Ranchi WL 423 . What are my chances?
SC Candidate
Category rank: 243 (PGP) & 157 (PGP-BA)
What are my chances??
0 voters
Anyone with 5000+ wl number in general category?
Number of seats in MBA BA program?
What is your waitlist number? Gen Category. Just to know how high does it go. Please vote as this will help everybody.
0 voters
IIM Ranchi OBC Category Waitlist 715 Female Engineer Chances?
0 voters
wait list 2800 general female engineer. Any chance of conversion
which one to choose ?
0 voters
Do we have to pay any amount for staying in the waitlist?
What is the last date to withdraw and apply for refund if we choose not to take admission?
IIM Ranchi NC - OBC Waiting 695
0 voters
General W/L at 432.
What are my chances?
0 voters
Pls help my IIM Ranchi waitlist is 202, in EWS category. What is the chance it will convert.
0 voters
0 voters
What are the chances of Conversion in any of the two options in IIM Ranchi? MBA- Waitlist 609, MBA-BA Waitlist 119. General Category. Please help.
0 voters
PGP WL - 85
HRM WL - 5
Chances in next couple of lists
0 voters
IIM Ranchi HRM , Wailist 45 EWS , possiblity to convert ?
0 voters
I wanted to know if waitlisted students had to pay 10,000 to stay on the waitlist because I am not able to find an option for payment but the mail I received says payment instructions.