For all the students who have been shortlisted or in waiting list for RD 2018-2020, TISS TULJAPUR. Discussions regarding the wait list, fees, hostel , transport and prep before landing to tiss . Lets get connected .
Hey guys, excited about the journey at Tiss Tuljapur?
Lets talk about all the wheres and hows . Lets be friends even before meeting at the campus . Hope to cya all soon . :)
Are you joining MSW RD at Tiss Tuljapur 2018-2020 batch?
- yes, cant wait
- not sure
- NO
0 voters
Will you wait for the wait list confirmation or will you join XISS ?
- Wait
- Join XISS
- I have better options
0 voters
Can sm1 explain why have they written the 11th point in the acceptance letter i.e 11. I am willing to join the course without hostel accommodation in the 1st year .
Does any1 has any idea abpout the hostel rooms and facilities provided ? Please share ..
How are d placement records of TISS,Tuljapur campus
Which course is better at Tuljapur campus MA Sustainable Livelihood &natural resourse governance AND MA Social work in Rural development
what is the difference between Master of Arts (Social Work in Rural Development) vs Master of Arts (Rural Development and Governance)?