Iift (2005-2007) Gd/pi Experience, Analysis Etc.

hey guys n gals
goodluck 4 ur interviews n gd ....in gd keep ur cool ul have ample time to speak...n guys if the gd is a fish market pl take the initiative with like minded members in the grp n bring order ul all get pts 4 leadership or initiative..interview be cool give logocal n rational ans beleive 90% ppl don do tat ok..good luck guys grab the oppurtunity :grab:

u can get them at the ministry of finance website or hindu industrial review

schmutzdecke Says
i know its a bit late to ask this question but can anyone plz tell me where can i get the figures pertaining to india's exports in different sectors.

try this :: http://commerce.nic.in/india_trade.htm

I reach the place on time
(Blore 23rd 9 30 am)..
End up meeting 6 chaps of Infy in my batch of 12 for the GD..
A decent essay to start with on the Education & Success Co-Relation !
Messed up with a couple of spellings but overall I guess it was sound on logic & Grammar !
The gd was semi-abstract.. on what comes after gen x ?
we were given two minutes of solo-airtime and twenty five minutes to discuss !
was 11th as per the reg no order which was followed for the solo !
Recited a few prayers in the first ten minutes.. hoping nobody expresses the points on my mind before me !
Lucky for me.. I am two minutes:full of novelty.. & all about lateral thinking !
I had rehersed what I had to say a couple of times.. So No jitters & i rate it as 8+/10
The GD was about Globing.. Had an airtime of about 120-130 seconds..
5 new points.. No needleess aggression!
No fish market.. A decent show (6-7/10)

It was interview time.. Had to wait for 5 long hours for my turn..

Four panelists..All Men !
No intro..
Questions on College * ECE.. No issues..
on other calls.. why IB & IIFT..
Then Its party time.. Business quizzing( my fav activity) on
wipro, Nike , Reebok & Addidas.. gave all the gyan..
Moved on to Ethics..ENRON..GTB & Auditing ( My dad is a CA)
Banks.. Consolidation & Public sector banks Pros & Cons..
On ethics & whistle blowers.. Blah blah blah..
on entrepreneurs & Harsha Bhogle (an IIM A Product)
Newspapers & Mag.. Views on the day's editorial..
Gyan & Some fundae On effective communication..
Motivation by Steven Covey..
About Narain ( I m from Coimbatore)
Couple of questions on Corruption & a few lighter moments..
No Half answers.. no "I don't know" answers
They were very happy at the end..(8-9/10)
Me too..

had my iift today...mumbai wrld trade center

essay ws : should govt talk to naxalites?

pretty okie topic..but caught some of them unawares who had had been expecting an economic topic n had come with all facts n figures mugged up....20 mints latr the sheets were taken..

gd : content on internet shud be regulated..why or why nt?

decent gd..no fish market...good junta..the gd was STOPPED AFTER 35 MINTS even though initially we had been told that it ud go on for an hr...it was some 10 mints to 12 mints of initial stand making types....and then 25 mints discussion...i made 4 good strikes..

PI was a very weird one...for the 1st person it lasted 40 mints...got questioned extensively....secnd : 15 to 20 mints

mine was 3rd...lasted just 15 mints

was askd to introduce myself...
mentioned abt me liking history-world war period , playing chess etc...

he instead went to french revolution...why did it happn? wat did we learn?
answered that

russian revolution:
answered that

italian ::

???? no idea...

then lady stepped in ....why iift??
blah blah....

then gave me option betwn marketing and prgamming job..tld me i wud have to sell sopas on a bicylce:smile: ...

wat has etrx and telecom done for business?
gave 2 to 3 egs...

how many seats in lok sabha..
i goofed this one up...stupid of me. ...its 543 or 544...
got confused whether prez nominates some members in RS or Ls...

anyways thanx for being with us..njoyed it a lot...u may go...

dono..pi was too general...nthing gr8..wat does it suggest...
my profile is BE ETRX good acads..gd was good,but still...me confused...:whatthat:
some iift srs..help!!!!


hi frnds

thanx to all of u who're posting their iift experiences
neone of u tell me should we carry all original certis in gd/pi as nothing is mentioned in thr call letter..
do we have to submit copies of testimonials etc..


Hi Friends
ashiaakash here Had my IIFT today at WTC centre ........ Essay Topic was the same what psb has mentioned and
gd topic was also the same "Should the content on Internet be regulated or not???

Never expected that I would have to start the topic but I had to as my Roll number was 4701369
Starting was ok
then chipped in thrice or four times brought the group in control once..........the group was knowledgable .......and no fish market
then in the end gave the summary.........

then comes Interview they asked me everything Expect the unexpected ...................
Never expected to be in the Interview to be first..............
Here goes the interview.............

1)Greeted them ..........Tell me about urself???Said blah blah
2)How can you improve IIFT website???/
(My answer will focus on Content ,reserach articles will focus on animation features will try to make it user friendly so that other people also benefit from the site)
3)My background BE Mechanical Engineer from BITS Pilani with 20 months of Software Experience working at TataInfotech Limited in Data Warehousing department and I have good knowledge of Datamining tool ABINITIO..........no question on this........
4)A IT question that how will you transfer some information from intranet to internet some technology he wanted to listen from me the panelist he was grilling me like anything i took my time and gave him a smile and said i dont know sir and i will try to educate myself on these matter.
5)Ok questions on WTO ........FTA and subsidies .........ur knowledge of subsidies is not so good........Sir i have only read a article further knowledge and learnings i would be gaining at IIFT and gave a smile...
6)In the form I had mentioned about heading a transnational organisation.So was grilled on that convinced them ........
7)If you are made the CEO of your company what qualities you should possess???
Said blah blah and said CEO shuld have risk taking ability....also....two people were literally there to terrorise one chap who i feel was a CEO was the coolest and he tried to smile
Why should we take you???this is the answer where i said all what was in my heart...
9) Ashish you are a mechanical Engineer what are u doing in software and management convinced them .......Why??
10) Ashish you are the CEO of a company and you are given 4 parameters
give them percentages to make them 100%
said production -30% quality 30% integrity -30% and safety 10% grilled me i said i am a CEO if my company employees are honest they are productive and they care for the quality of product safety will automatically come as productivity quality and integrity worked in synchro ........one panelist took my favour while other two were telling me why have u given safety less....
11)ashish one more question and that is last question;;If you are the boss and there is a inefficient employee what you would do???
My last answer of IIFT:I said Sir the person would be knowing that he is bit inefficient in work so I would tell him that when u have reached the company means u have something in you find the unique thing and build on it because everyone is unique and distinct from next day the person would start working on his strength....
ok ashish all the best..................

this was me
i tried giving my best shot so friends expect the unexpected

Are the IIFT interviews over at all the centres in India??

Are the IIFT interviews over at all the centres in India??

no dude...its remaining for the delhi people
i guess its somewhere around 8-10th march
ok frens,
heres hows the interview went for me........essay was cool and i was in the same group as parag for the gd. gd was not good for me......i dint speak much.....people were just repeating points and giving all irrelevant example.......opening statement was not good....conclusion was decent.......but overall gd was bad. :huh:
ok here is the interview
Q: tell us sth abt urself
ME: Sir, i.......
Q: U r from Jamshedpur
ME: Yes sir
Q u muz have applied to XLRI
M yes sir but i dint get a call
Q and if u did
M i wud still chose iift
Q y???
M international business is more appealing than PM IR
Q y???
M it affects domestic business and so knowledge.....
Q give 3 examples when it affected domestic business
A 1. after the attack on WTC....BLAH BLAH
2. INDIANSsetting up oil wells and refineries to coz the oil prices were rising....
cudn give a third example
Q: u have done electrical engg.....so what r the types of power plant and which is most cost effective for u to build one?
A: i gave the diff types of power plant then i said hydroelectric (i guess this is gas plant) and said water easily available and reduces pollution
Q: what is the diff in cost/unit for thermal and hydroelectric?
A Sir um not aware cos it has been 3 years since i studied that....(i've been working for 2years!!!)
Q: ok 2 years huh? wat is the software market like
A: told him....
Q: wats taking place in parliament today.....
A i dont know...i know wat happened yesterday
Q: wat
A 100% FDI in construction
Q y fdi
A said sth like raising revenues....and...
Q o is it...to raise revenue...laughs all around....wat r the other foreign instruments...FDI is one...give 2 more
A: sir FII......cudn think of the 3rd example
Q: wats NASSCOM?
A goofed this....sir um not sure but can i take a guess.....
Q wats this not sure of electrical not sure of software...wat gurantee u will be sure after IIFT
A sir i dint get opportunity to apply electrical knowledge but will after iift
Q: o yeah.....so wats happening in parliament today and tomorrow
A dunno sir....
Q hee hee railway budget tmw
A ouch!!! shud've got that.....
Q wats the difference in business of bihar and jharkhand
A some gyan
Q y shud i invest in jharkhand and not orissa when everything is the same mineral wise???
A the success of telco tisco sail shud make u believe that jharkhand is a better bet
and skilled labor is present
Qbut they can travel no???
A yes.....
At this time the lady who had been smiling takes over....
Q: so wat wud u do if u wanted to open a factory in jharkhand and factory inspector is sitting n ur file?
A i wud approach higher authority
Q wat if everybody right from CM to Factory inspector r all corrupt?
A i wud try to approach the PM if i can.....
Q dont bother( smilingly)
A i smile back but my heart is crying
Q: ok y IB and not PMIR
A ma'm IB can better engage my strenghts right from problem solving capability...
Q but there r no problems u just have to buy and sell like a shopkeeper....
A yes ma'm but wat when the shopkeeper buys some items and is not able to sell them...it becomes a problem for him right?
Q ok thank u very much.....
A thank u sir...thank u ma'am
guys i dont know wat to make of it but i guess my interview was average and considering my gd wasn good i guess it wudn surprise me if i dont figure in the final list.......
i dont have much hope now....
all the best to everyone......
One day in the year of the fox
When the bell began to ring
Meant the time had cometh
For one to go
To the temple of the king

well here goes.
got there at 8.45.....went to the washroom.....one guy hd managed to lock himself inside and dint know how to undo the latch and was calling out frantically for some venkatesh .....
at 930 sharp parents are asked to leave (almost everyone except for me and a couple of other guys had come with thier parents...)neway....
Essay starts at 945 sharp.....Topic : The changing face of Indian Media : heading towards tabloid culture......one guy actually asked the instructor the meaning of tabloid....neway as you can see the topic was lame but I jus about managed ...wrote about Pulitzer....BT ....programmes on NDTV (night out ) ...giving the masses what they really want..... (5 or 6/10)
GD : 10 people one absent so effectively 9.....
Topic : Examinations today have changed he meaning of education......If you read the editorial in TOI today the exact same topic has been discussed...and guess what I had read it.....
everyone gets to making opening statements initially for 1 min.......I was 4th and open my statement with a stat.....then blah blah.......most ofthe oher junta repeated each others point.....
Discussion thrown open with the instruction that everyone has to moderate for 3 min.....starting with one guy ......abslutely no one bothered about this rule....neway one guy and girl who seemed to be best friends from the beginning of time ended up in adjacent seats and moreover try to hijack the entire thing.....neway ppl did bakwaas...mostly repeating the same crap me entered 2/3 times......then I decided to do something because everyone just kept on saying things and there was no direction.....so I said lets give it a strycture and jus when i started the happy couple said they agreed and started giving it a structure themselves..I didnt let them though and obviously they were pissedf at me...a cople of minutes later the female said lets conclude and concluded the whole thing herself.....the 15 mins given had elapsed but since the panelists dint ring the bell I suggested that we should come upwith some more innovative solutions but the couple argued that since it was concluded I should shut up....I dint and the entire group supported me and 3 or 4 guys actually tlod me to go on and make my point....which was a good one.... spoke about Edward de bonos soln on creativity being made a subject in college.....neway a few more solutions to the problem were given then and eventually the happy couple that had initially boycotted any more discussion also started blabbering something....finally the bell rang and it was time for summation.......and with my luck(good or bad) I was first ....gave a very hackeneyed sort of summation but spoke firrmly...others mostly eded up reiterating what I said....
was not very happy with my performance because i dint use everythig I had erad although I rememebereed most of it ...but it was mostly because of the immaturity of the group.....also had a disadvanage in terms of seating because I was sitting with my back to the panel so they could not see any body language and my voice for some reason was not doing tht great.....but had an advantage because the group respected my decisions and moost of them made thier points and summaries looking at me....
overall (6 or max 7 /10)

PI. (I was the first one)
3 guys one relatively senior to thw other 2 seated in the centre (Senior Guy SG) to his left industry guy trying to be a hardass keeping a grim demeanor (hard ass HA) a prof from IIFT probably try to confuse me (IIFT prof IP) M=Poor Old Me
SG:Introduce yourself
m:blah blah blah
HA:you have organised a fest in your college...what did you do
me blah blah
IP:so you were not working for a year
m:no...tried to justify....but he wasnt interested....(i guess he was just askin to decide the type of questions to ask me)
ip:doesent your campus have campus placements
me :it does but very few ppl get placed
IP:so companies come but they dont recruit
me:they recruit very few ppl
IP:did you apply
me:yes but dnt get selected
SG:so you are ant IT expert ....
M: no sir I have done electronis (I had already started shitting in my pants)
SG:so wot application does electronics have in MBA.
M:easier for Elex engg to sell engg goods like consumer electronics ....basicaly if yu are in a electronics related biz you have an edge...
IP so another stream guy cant sell elec goods...
me :elex guy will have an advantage...
me:also it has helped me think in a structured manner..blah blah...
IP: so other ppl dont think in a structured manner...
m:not on all ocassions but engineers have a generally structured approach towards everythin in life
ha:gimme an example
m:if I have to do 10 things in a day I write them down on a piece of paper arrange them according to priority and everytime I finish something strike it out
ha: so how would a non engineer do it
m: probably do the first thing that comes to his mind first
SG:no what I meant when I asked you about ELEx having appl in MBA I meant is there you have studied about i your course that will help you in MBA
m:nothing I can think of
sg:do you know what is supply change mgmt
m:transporting goods from manufacturing place to point of sale
sg:no...transporting raw materials to mnufacturing plant ......and then something else i cant reemember
me:(saw the opportunity)we have studied in a subject called ISD transportation.
IP:oh good so what are the methods of transportation....
Me:NorthWest Corner Method
Vogels Approx Method
Least Cost method
IP:so what is NWC method...
me you start with northwest corner
IP can you draw a matrix and explain
Me:draws a table and says where you put supply demand and cost then says you start from the north west corner and then I started babbling he got the cue and said OK ok
HA:so waht is the use of this Transportaion method
Me saves transportation cost...if you transport goods arbit it'll cost more
IP:so have you staudied inventory management
me :no
ip:but all courses in Op Res have tht
me :we dint...we had lpp
ip:oh lpp....what is LPP
me:quantitative mthod to solve problem
ip:what methods are there..
me :Graphical
Big M
IP:so what do you do in simplex
me babbles
IP:why do you call it linear programming
me:constraints are expressedas first order equations...when you plo them graphically they are straight lines.
IP:so say thweres an nth order eqn ....howmany times does it turn (the guy had a south indian accent so I dint understand the word turn also turns are unpredictable).....
me:cant say...all I can say is that it cuts the x axis n times
me so how many times will it turn:me probably n time in oreder to come back and cut the x axis again
IP:lets take a cubic egn:
me: x^3+1
IP: n lets take a quadratic eqn...say eqn of parabola...do you kno eqn of a parabola
IP:good now plot it
m:confused about which axis to draw...decided to draw it about x axis( i realised later tht it wsa correct)
m:but this is cutting the x axis only once
me it is a second order eqn in y not x...it'll cut y axis twice at infinity (since i hade drawn it ahead of the origin)
SG:do you know what is EDM
me:totally befuddled sir EDM??
SG:electronic data somethin
me:no sir I dont
SG: ok
HA:you say you have gone to St. Stanislaus High School...if you have to give 3 good points about this school what would you say
me:produces sportsmen...conc on sport
also deevlops cultural faculties
finally produces toppers as well
basically all round development
HA:so what have you learnt from your school
me:our motto is 'Born for Greater Things' I always aspire for great things
HA:in your collegee fest tht you organised did you find yourself in an awkward posn
m:some ppl asked cut when they roped in sponsors...had to give them surreptitiously because we needed the money had to keep bigger picture in mind...
HA:so what was the problem
m:was unfair cos others who got sponsores dint get any money
HA:so whats the issue
M:justice was not done
the other two start whisperin to each other ....lets ask him some thing on Ethics
IP:say you were to recruit someone what qualities would you look for
me:sir depends on post(analytical approach 😃 )
IP:smal post
IP:not tht elementary
me:software sector
IP:say your secretary
me:ok sir...I would shortlist on basis of meritocracy......then thins to look for in interview organisational ability comm skills knowhow bout the business
ip:but you are recruiting a fresher...like what do you kno bout IIFT except what you rad on the site
me:yes sir only site and brochure....but atleast tht much level of awareness
ip:so say one person is good with comm skill and other is slightly bad but is honest who would you take
me:the honest guy
me honesty goes a long way also since gap in comm skill is marginal can be made up with experience but honesty is much more imp
ip:why...why is honesty so imp in an organisation
me :sir it is very imp but not the mos imp thing but since this persons gonna be my assitant handling my accounts and affars I would certainly need him to be honest (this is where I botched...i dont think I gave him the ans he was looking for...he probably wanted to know why honesty is imp as a value...nonetheless atleast i said something)
IP:you say you are a structured person bu you have written about Jonathan Livingston Seagull who does something diff from all other gulls he tries to fly...isnt that a contradiction
me:his approach to flying is a structured one he goes up the mountain eveyday arly in the morn and dives towards the sky and tries to learn to fly....hes being creative but in a structured manner....
IP:so are you being creative
me:I have decided to take Mareketinmg and brandmamangememnt which is not so common for engineers ....i am ding something diff
SG:enginners become brand managers all the time
me:but generally the prefer systems or operations or atleast are expected to
HA:so you have won a robotics competition
HA:what place did you get
HA:tell me what you did
Me.competition was about racing a car around a rugged tortous circuit with another car or in timed laps...we built a carwith a wooden chasis and dc motors....blah blah...explained how car turns due to torque blah blah
IP:ok thats all you may go.......
me:sir would you like to see my cerificates..
SG:no its OK
Me: thanks everyone and leaves....
guys I have typed this super descriptive experience for about an hour please post some feed back...I think I did OK but not great and jus Ok wont get you there....all I want to know is wat quarter of the students I'd end up in (top 200 being the first quarter...total 830 calls)
-The Prophet
even i wasn't asked much on WTO and stuff
But I rocked the IT questions and my work ex and stuff........

do ya think I rocked nething at all

HI guys and girls
plz tell me when the IIFT results r going to be declared????
what r the chances of selection 4 people in wait list

HI guys and girls
plz tell me when the IIFT results r going to be declared????
what r the chances of selection 4 people in wait list

GD PIs are there till 14th March, I guess. Thats in Delhi. Dun know if there are GD PIs after that. So surely after this date...

Wt List- they dint come with one last year, however guys were called for admns later(individaually)......

all the best

Are the IIFT interviews over at all the centres in India??

yaar the real stars are still left to mesmerise the interview board ..... guess they scheduled the gd/pi for delhi at the end coz the iift guys firmly believe in saving the best for the last...... moreover i firmly believe in the adage " he who laughs last... laughs the longest" atb to all my fellow delhiites... mine is on the 11th


me had mine at WTC on 25th, same as ashish and PSB, reached der in morning and the essay and GD topics were the same. Ashish and me were in the same grp. GD was gud no fish market wala situation, jus dat few points got lost in between.

den came the PI, no q's on Acads or the Form, started of wid diff btw microbio and biotech, why IIFT and IB now, then a fulscale discussion on the pharma industry (my field of expertise), impact of IPRs, pros and cons of Patents, how do i percieve the future of Indian Pharma industry, my views on ethics in the industry, what sud be done, then R & D stuff, den stem cell reaserch (gud dat i read up on the days newspaper), all in all it was fine i guess. the panel was quite gud, smiling and a few jokes thrown in between by the panel and all of us laughing.

all i can say is i feel they look for confidence and conviction wid which u answer the q's thats all abot it.

i hope this helps, i did not write in detail cos the q's being too specific may not interst u guys, if need be u can PM me


Our essay topic was "lucknow as an IT hub" since our centre was lucknow.
Our gd topic was " India - the land of Gandhiji is now full of violence". First all 14 of us in the group were given a minute each for introduction. Then all hell broke loose. Total fish market situation was there. managed to butt in just 4-5 times for 15-20 sec each. to complicate the matters further we had a crazy sardar in midst of us who spoke for like 25 min out of 45 min given. He had a stress interview later.
My interview revolved a lot around goa as I did my engg from there. Ques ranging from who was traveler who came to goa to why it is a popular tourist destination. I was asked to tell ways to improve tourism. Examples of my strengths were asked. Other people in our group were asked some ques on foreign trade aspects like trims, trips, and four modes in gats. lots of people were asked why iift, which other calls.

Hi all!

Its pretty late tht I m posting my exp... largely owing to my choc-a-bloc calls schedule n preps for da same... needless to say, coupled wid my laziness as well... but it still may be of some use to Delhi IIFT call-getters, n of course for the record sake :D

Date: 20th Feb, 2K5
Time: 9:30am
Venue: Coffee Board, Bangalore

Candidates: 14 (1 lady n 13 gents)
PG-ites I met: Sanchayan, MrAnderson, controlfreak (sorry, if I missed out anyone 😁 )

It kicked off with an essay on "Role of Ethics in Corporate World"... 20 mins time...

Arnd 9:55am, the GD commenced... the topic was "Liberalisation is de-stabilising the Indian economy"... each of us was asked to speak on it for 2 mins first... then the topic was thrown open for discussion... each of us had to act as the moderator for 2 mins... this moderation business was totally unorganised as it was not timed by anyone... no one knew whose turn it was to moderate... as far as the discussion goes, it was decent till one point of time, after which it was churning out the same points put in different words n drawing up digressive analogies... all in all, it wasnt how it shud hv been - perhaps the reason y it was limited to arnd 52 mins (wen it was supposed to be of 1hr)

After the marathon GD, we were offered a breather, alongwith some biscuits n fitting-to-da-venue strong filter coffee...

We were then split into two groups of 7 each for the interview... each panel had 4 members - ours had 2 IIFT faculties, an IIFT alumnus and an industry-person... the interviews commenced arnd 11:15am... avg duration was arnd 30 mins, min arnd 20 mins, max arnd 45 mins... in my grp of 7, I was the 6th to be interviewed, so my turn came after the lunch break, arnd 3:15pm...

Let the panelists be P1, P2, P3, P4...

P1: Tell me something about urself (passing copies of my CV form to other panelists n reading as i answered him)...
Me: Blah Blah
P1: U hv got varied hobbies n interests... hv u ever tried or thought of trying ur hand at things like Indian Idol or any other such contest?
Me: Blah Blah
P1: U mean, others who r involved in it r not conscious of their priorities?
Me: Blah Blah (Told abt my failed 'attempt' at Harsha Ki Khoj)
P1: How far did u reach?
Me: Blah Blah
P1: Wot do u think is the most imp quality in a live-event commentator?
Me: Blah Blah
P1: Can u name someone who u feel possess those qualities?
Me: Blah Blah
P2: How do u justify ur poor acads?
Me: Blah Blah (panel didnt seem convinced)
P2: Wot was ur FYP abt?
Me: Blah Blah
P2: Wot is the need for security? (My FYP was on a cryptosystem)
Me: Blah Blah
P2: Wot was ur fav subj during ur BE n y?
Me: Blah Blah
P3: Wot do u know abt ethical hacking?
Me: Blah Blah (panel didnt seem convinced)
P3: Give me 3-4 ways by which a corporate getting networked can assure its clients of its systems
Me: Blah Blah (was interrupted n asked to go to the next way, wen i was stretching my point to try n make it clear... cud give only 3 ways)
P3: Wot is da latest u hv read in fiction? (dunno y he asked this, wen i hadnt mentioned any work of fiction in the books i read or in my hobbies)
Me: Blah Blah
P3: Can u give a brief outline of da same?
Me: Blah Blah
P3: Do u think such strong n controversial ideas shud be made available to public? (Was refering to Da Vinci Code - my latest fiction read)
Me: Blah Blah
P3: But then how can the opposition to such things be curbed?
Me: Blah Blah (sited da example of da work on Shivaji's alleged life, n how it was protested against n how da opposition was handled)
P4: Do u think ethics r important?
Me: Blah Blah
P4: And wen applied to da corporate world?
Me: Blah Blah
P4: Wot do u understand by ethics?
Me: Blah Blah
P4: If u r encountered wid a situation tht ur company can get a big business but u hv to conduct unethically, while if u dont comply u may even be fired... wot will u do?
Me: Blah Blah
P4: Good! (wid a hint of sarcasm, or was i imagining things?)
P4: Wud u like to hv some biscuits, as u leave?
Me: No, thank u
My i/v lasted arnd 27 mins