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More Women for EMBA 

The current pandemic and lockdown have altered how we live, work, study, socialize, and think. The crisis has impacted the economy and the job scene in general.

Many people decided to put the time on hand to use. One fallout of more time available to people is enrolment in online programs, significantly, the EMBA. Many women have chosen to pursue online options to upgrade themselves. 

Women enrolments forge ahead

The EMBAC (Executive MBA Council, the non-profit academic association that represents business industry leaders) has reported a significant growth in female enrollment for Executive MBA programs.

Enrolments for executive education programs in institutions jumped from 55.3% to nearly 74% year over the year; 32% of women enrolled in 2020 as against 29.7% in 2016, the EMBAC reports.

What led to the increased EMBA enrolments?

The COVID-19 pandemic may have fueled the increased online enrolments. Corporate heads and business leaders are looking for flexible options to enhance their qualifications. Women executives who balance work and family are more inclined to engage in virtual learning. 

The EMBAC director, Michael Desiderio, attributes the surge in Executive MBA enrolments to:

Over ninety percent of schools that offer EMBA deliver the course material electronically, and purchase over seventy-five percent of cases electronically, says the EMBAC. Both the above figures are significantly higher than in previous years. 

Are there any snags?

The rise in women enrolments for EMBA programs is a good sign for B-schools. But fewer women find sponsors for their programs compared to men. 

According to the EMBAC, fifty-four percent of women fail to find sponsorships while under fifty-two percent of men who did not attract sponsors. 

The EMBAC reported that the percentage of students who pay 100% fees has risen from forty-one percent in 2016 to fifty-four percent this year. 

The increase in EMBA enrolments has come about even though the cost of the course has not changed.

 The EMBAC has observed that the average thirty-eight-year-olds who pursue EMBA come with about fifteen years of work experience, nine years of which are in management positions. Full sponsorships have taken a hit from 22.5% in 2016 to 18% this year. 

Which sectors have sent more students?

The EMBA says that in about eighty-five percent of colleges and universities that offer the EMBA, two industries stand out: 

The EMBAC director finds the value of EMBA growing by the day. He says that the EMBA equips students with the knowledge and skills required to deal with uncertainties.

Inquiries for the course and completed applications received and accepted have all risen significantly for educational programs for working professionals.

The world is still grappling with the novel coronavirus. We are still facing the loss of lives and jobs and a tottering economy. But the silver lining is for women who have opted to pursue their master’s in management virtually. The current pandemic has brought this positive trend in EMBA enrolments. 

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